Buying Hand Tools
A straight forward piece that’s quick and easy to make.
If you've been enjoying the discussion on buying hand tools you would be forgiven for wondering where part 6 is. It's on the way. Right now, I'm doing something more important. Making. The guide is important and it’s the foundation for something that will come later. But I also want useful and attractive furniture and woodworking projects for my home.
I added the portfolio page to this site with good reason. I wanted to evidence what a home woodworker could reasonably expect to make. Although this does feel like a rod for my own back, in this case I appreciate the threat of a beating.
I could copy and paste hundreds of pieces from my decades as a joiner. But they would all fail to get in. This is for the simple reason. They weren’t made at home.
Everyone's home situation is unique to them. But in the video below, Floyd “The Money” Mayweather explains perfectly what many of us are up against. That's why it's important for me to be honest about what most people can do at home.
I think this approach will give me real insight. I want to use my weaknesses (time) and turn it into a strength. If you feel inspired by anything you see here, you'll know it's been made under similar conditions to your average Joe Shmoe (me).
I think it's easy to loose touch with what's possible within normal time frames. But with sensible project choices and knowledge of fundamental principles it is possible to turn out a range of projects over a year. And as Mr Mayweather points out, with so little time available, how will you choose to use it?
Is that the swoosh of a rod I hear?…