The Older I Get

I think I’ve reached a point in my life where the experiences both private and professional I’ve gone through have changed me. Perhaps this is not uncommon? The straw that broke the camel’s back springs to mind. Everybody has to carry some kind of burden and go through some kind of trauma. The great religions seemed to of worked out that life is suffering. I don’t interpret that knowledge as an empty bleak existence though, there is so much wonder in the world to undermine any such notion. Perhaps the key thing is how much suffering can we carry? But how do we know how much we can carry unless we try? Even beginning to write this makes me feel idiotic! How can I even mention suffering!? Other people have it worse and throughout history too. My life is good, undeniably it is, and I am thankful for that. But even so it is important to know when we reach a certain point.

The point I’ve reached is frustration. The world feels more bureaucratic, observed, scrutinised, riddled with shadow work, soaking up bad negative behavior from the general public and the sense that things are just a bit darker than they have been before. I’m fully aware that that many have found themselves in my situation. But I want to use how I feel at the moment as a catalyst for something different. I’m not quitting my job as a Carpenter and Joiner, I’m not going to run off with the woman next door, but something has to change.

I have a passion for woodworking. This is why I joined our family business, to become an apprentice and learn the trade of Carpentry and Joinery. Passion doesn’t mean I’m the “best” or the “finest” but it means it matters to me. I have a streak of Gordon Ramsey in me. To be frank it’s unpleasant, I dislike it and it manifests in the face of extreme frustration. I always have patience for those that are motivated and focused. As an apprentice I had what is known in the trade as “bollockings”, when they come about due to poor attitude or application I knew I deserved them, when they happened despite doing everything I could to do well they burned.

So what does this pathetic self pity amount to? Well, I want to give something back. I want to give something back to those that are motivated to do well at woodworking. In my opinion some things must always be free. There are so many demands, distractions and hurdles to just make a start at woodworking and having to spend out on the basics seem unfair. After all, the secret to getting rich in a gold rush is selling picks.

This is not some phoney branding exercise, no “lifestyle” BS or a motivation to build a new society. Nor is it a facade of “Fine or Masterful” woodworking. Just a motivation to give back for free. Here’s what’s on my list for what should be free for a home woodworker with a practical mind that wants to make good honest furniture.

  1. Information on what tools to buy.

  2. An effective and affordable workbench.

  3. Getting to grips with some simple joinery. Just four foundation joints cover most bases.

  4. Something to store your tools in and how to make it.

  5. Workshop jigs and aids such as a shooting board.

  6. Skill building projects that are useful.

It is my belief that if you are paying for this information then you need to think carefully. It wasn’t long ago that woodworking was taught in schools for heavens sake, or even a family member might have a keen interest and pass on their knowledge. For that matter, just pick up a half decent book on the subject and it should cover all of the above. I have a lovely book from the 1950’s that get's all the information condensed properly. That’s not to say proper tuition isn’t worthwhile and indeed enjoyable, this is not a lobby against paying for an education.

But I’m going to aim to provide these free of charge in the form of videos, blogs and downloads. I wrote a first draft of a book last year as a challenge and I did it. That is very far removed from publishing a book! If I were a new woodworker the only book I would pay for would contain ALL of the above. If I can bring it all together I might just do that, but all the information would still be here for free.

Nothing I present would be and should not be treated as gospel. Part of the enjoyment is getting to grips with things yourself and making your own choices. And further if something is not feeling safe to you, stop what you’re doing and find a better way. I hope my endeavor will prove a tonic to my recent frustrations.


Planing Tip


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