What Did You Expect?

If I'm lucky, this might just happen to me. People may get bored of my content. I know, I know. How could anyone tire of the wit, charm and inspiration that leaps from these pages? Well pretty easily actually.

People expect different things at different times. I recall reading that a big chunk of what woodworkers want to make is Shaker, Arts & Crafts or Country (Vernacular). People are also going to want to have plans, recourses and learn techniques that support success in those areas. I also think people are very interested in the nuance of hand tools as well, but that’s a conversation for another day.

So as someone who wants to share my own journey, there's a good chance I won't gain much of a following. Incompetence aside, why would that be the case? I'm not specifically targeting the areas that get the maximum return. That's not to say I won't cover aspects that some may find interesting, but it'll be by coincidence rather than intent.

Here's an example. There's only so many times I can personally be interested in workbenches. I will definitely share one build with you and how to get the best out of it but I'm not in a rush to do much more than that. Why would I need to? Workbenches are as varied as us woodworkers. Some benches are like fine furniture dripping in work holding couture. Others are stripped back, cheap and simple. Most fall into the middle ground. There's no wrong or right. As long as your workbench isn't an obstacle you're good and too much looking around will just make you think the grass is greener.

Content that focuses on the sharpening “debates” and solutions are a good way to sell something. So too tools, gadgets and the latest “insert name here dovetail method”. It's not that I have a closed mind, it's just something we all move past. Once you can cut to a line and stay sharp the world is your oyster. Then the real hard work begins. But I will cover these items, just not all the time.

So why this post? Firstly it's to kick me out of a rut. We all find inspiration in individuals. But after a while, things just get stale or head off in another direction. Why after many years of woodworking do I revert to blogs that are aimed at beginners? They did interest me for a good while. Mainly because they are very accessible and I try to be open minded. But after a while I understood that they are simply a business. The individuals running them aim to be a retailer or teachers of foundational skills, all squarely aimed at the beginner. After a while, the inflated egos and straw men used to promote their wares become tiresome

I'm incredibly grateful to anyone that puts some time aside to read this blog, watch a video or see what I'm posting on social media. I hope to present information that's interesting, but sadly for you it will be because it’s first and foremost interesting to me. Don't rush off all at once though, I will share some universally useful stuff too. Just do me a solid. If my ego starts to become unchecked, if I start raising straw men and if I start saying my path is the the true way you have my permission to call me out.


Brilliant Budget Bandsaw Challenge - Part 1


Time Waits for Nobody