Pine Bible Box

This very simple pine Bible Box is heavily inspired by the furniture of early New England. With through dovetails at the back and half lap at the front I found it interesting to consider the motivations of the maker. Did the original person chose half lap dovetails to conceal the joinery or was it originally a small drawer that had a lid and base attached?

Made from European Redwood using a single length of 6” x 1” from a Builder’s Merchant! I chose this source for the timber because furniture like this is about simple utility. Joinery is all made by hand with hot hide glue rub joints for the lid and base and details like the mouldings were made quickly and some tool marks left. A clinical look can spoil these very humble pieces. Wrought iron nails secure the base and allow for some degree of movement. Finished with shellac and wax.


Shaker Firewood Box


Vernacular Stools